He has made everything beautiful

He has made everything beautiful

One year ago, I was preparing to start another school year. I had no idea that it would be my...
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That Was Unexpected

That Was Unexpected

I ended the school year and stepped into a new season back in May. If you've been around since the...
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Technology Resources

Technology Resources

Teachers often spend time during the summer planning for the upcoming year. As such, I have created a website filled...
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10 Miles on the River

10 Miles on the River

Friday I went kayaking with one of my closest friends. 10 miles. 6.5 hours. Filled with blistering heat, bottled water...
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Summer Break for Teachers

Summer Break for Teachers

People often ask what students are doing over summer break, but let's talk about ideas for teachers to do over...
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It’s a New Season

It’s a New Season

This school year has been such a roller coaster! It's hard to believe this is the same school year where...
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There’s a New Phone in Town

There’s a New Phone in Town

Teachers can tell you first hand how dangerous a phone is when you put it in the hands of a...
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Technology Must-Haves For the Classroom

Technology Must-Haves For the Classroom

Today, I'm sharing my top 5 favorite technology gadgets for the classroom. Be sure to read all the way to...
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You’ll Miss the Jackpot if You Don’t Get the Scratch Off

You’ll Miss the Jackpot if You Don’t Get the Scratch Off

Let me start off by saying I don't play the lottery. I always say I'm waiting to win the jackpot...
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Top Eight Game-Based Review Websites

Top Eight Game-Based Review Websites

This week, we are wrapping up our final unit! We will test on Thursday and then we are on the...
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