That Was Unexpected

I ended the school year and stepped into a new season back in May. If you’ve been around since the beginning, you know how GYTT started and you know I took a faith risk to get here. You may have also noticed it’s been a little quiet lately. That’s thanks to an unexpected twist that I didn’t see coming!

Back in April, I was asked to participate in the annual summer Preparation, Accountability, Coaching, and Evaluation (PACE) educator professional development workshop for Valdosta State University (VSU). I immediately jumped at the opportunity.

Fast forward to June. I’m in the zoom room ready to share technology tips with all the new teachers. The PD went really well and I was ecstatic. I noticed in the comment section, someone left their number and asked me to call them. I thought to myself, “It only takes one connection…”

After the session ended, I called the number and found myself on the phone with the head of the education department at VSU. I did not know her, but she was interested in me training her teacher candidates for Google Certification. Ummmm, YES!

She made a passing comment about how she wished I wasn’t teaching because she would love to have me in her department…. Ma’am… I’m not teaching 😲

I’ll spare you all the details and cut to the chase. Exactly 4 weeks later, I was offered a job as a professor at VSU! Starting next month, I will be teaching technology (and a little math methods 😉) in the education department.

However, GYTT is still here to stay! I will continue to send Tech Tip Tuesdays every week. (Text GYTT to 22828 if you haven’t signed up!) I am still available for all the trainings and my social media will still be up and running!

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