He has made everything beautiful

One year ago, I was preparing to start another school year. I had no idea that it would be my last year at PCMS. I’ve shared bits and pieces of this journey on the blog. However, I think the easiest way to show how the hand of God moved over the past year would be a timeline. This is long, but it’s worth the read.

August – School started back with a lot of fear and anxiety running rampant through teachers and students. Numbers were spiking again and everything was so unsure.
September – After one month of school starting back, I started therapy. I needed help navigating teaching post-pandemic/hybrid learning. 
October – I learned about my “plank” – I must achieve. I struggled with being a teacher because I didn’t feel like I was “achieving” at that.
November – I kept hearing “The ties that bind are being broken”. I had no idea what the Lord was speaking to me, so we just kept praying into it. 
December – We took extra time off of therapy due to the holidays. When we met again, I informed my therapist I was looking for other jobs. I didn’t know what it would look like, but I felt like I was supposed to leave PCMS.
January – I applied for several EdTech companies. I also applied for Georgia Cyber Academy in the technology department. I knew I was heading in the direction of my passion, but I didn’t know how it would look.
February – It was time to turn in the letter of intent for the following school year. I had no plans, but I had peace in my decision. I turned in my letter of intent stating that I would not be returning to PCMS. Meanwhile, Shane was approached to start a new job. Instead of driving an hour one way every day, he would now be local for the first time in a decade. The ties that were binding both of us to our jobs were indeed being broken.
March – I interviewed for Georgia Cyber Academy and several EdTech companies. In the meantime, I felt led to start my own business – Get Your Tech Together. My passion has always been teaching teachers how to implement technology. I knew this would be the perfect way to do it. Shane started his new job in Blackshear. We signed on two clients to manage their servers. We added Shambie Solutions for a private sector side of the tech business.
April – I received an email asking me to present at a professional development workshop for Valdosta State University in June. This was the perfect opportunity to jumpstart Get Your Tech Together.
May – I left my work home and said goodbye to my colleagues knowing I would be running my own business. 
June – I presented at the workshop via Zoom. Afterwards, the head of the education department asked me to call her. Long story short, she asked me to fill out an application.
July – I interviewed for a position at VSU. The next day I was offered a job in the education department – teaching future teachers how to implement technology. They created a position for me… Literally my dream job.
August – I will start the next chapter of my career as a professor in the education department at VSU. 

This past year was truly a year of faith. We didn’t know what it would look like, but we knew we had to step out in faith and trust that God would take care of us. I was begging for a glimpse of what it would look like, but He never gave us any hints until the plan was settled. He took care of every single detail before we ever knew what was happening. From Shane now being local to the opportunity for me to present at that workshop. VSU has been amazing the past month and they are putting all of my classes on 2-3 days a week so I don’t have to go drive to Valdosta every day. 

If you are believing the Lord for something, please know He is working in His time. The outcome might not even be on your list of possible outcomes, but I can guarantee you it will be better than anything you can write on your list. He is faithful to provide. I am so thankful I had a front row seat this past year to see His hand at work. I am also very grateful to the handful of people who listened to me cry and prayed for me when I had no sense of direction. While I’m thankful for my time at PCMS, I am super excited about what’s next. ❤️

2 thoughts on “He has made everything beautiful

  1. Melissa Bennett

    Awesome. God is good. I’m so happy for y’all. What a testimony you have. Wishing you the best. Keeping y’all in prayer.

  2. Rae Cooler

    God never wants to reveal His hand to us because He knows what we would do! Your last paragraph says it all, beginning with “If you are believing…” and ending with “I am so thankful that I had a front row seat.” He wants to show Himself faithful to us on every front. He just asks that we stay on the Potter’s wheel and allow Him to form each of us into that perfect masterpiece that fulfills the purpose He had in mind when He created each of us. Praying for you as you walk out this new road. Thank you for taking me along for the ride!!🥰


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