Consumed by the Swipe

It is no secret I’m in a season of transition and waiting. Really, our family is in a season of transition. Back in November of last year, I kept hearing “The ties that bind are being broken.” I thought I knew what that meant. But I didn’t truly understand the depths of that phrase and the impact it would have on my life.

Three months later, my husband and I were both resigning from our jobs.


For Shane, he had a better offer. No more driving an hour to work everyday. Still doing what he loves, but closer to home. Truly an answer to prayers we didn’t even know we were praying. I never knew how much I desperately wanted him working closer to home until that became our reality. He loved his company and enjoyed going to work. He had great, but the plans in store for him were greater. I am so happy for him.

Me on the other hand… In December, I felt a drawing to leave the classroom. I struggled with that because how do you leave something that you believe is your calling. I applied to some EdTech companies with the thought “If it’s meant to be, I will find another job.”


I knew in my heart that if I was going to take a faith risk, I would have to truly take a leap of faith for that risk. So in February I resigned.

Between us, I secretly thought “If I resign, the next week I will have a job offer. Not resigning is what is holding me back.”


That wasn’t anything close to what happened. Good thing for me because that’s how GYTT and Shambie Solutions got started. My phone was radio silent for almost two months after I resigned. And then the emails started coming. I started interviewing for huge opportunities. However, I never received an official offer. I was pushed through to second interviews. I was told “we will be in touch”. But nothing was ever official.

I’m writing this today in a season of waiting. I’m trying hard to trust the process. I know I am leaving the classroom for a reason and I know I will be able to utilize my technology skills in a greater capacity in whatever my future holds.

However, I’m not going to lie. I find myself checking my email often. Don’t get me wrong. GYTT and Shambie Solutions are great business opportunities. However, I thought I would have a job while we built the businesses are the side. Because of that thought process, I find myself Consumed by the Swipe. If there is not a new email in my inbox on my phone, I’m swiping down to refresh the screen… pleading for the red notification that says I’ve got the job or another interview.

Why? If I’m trusting the process and believing all things will work for my good, why am I trying to will the mail notification to determine my future? I’ve spent the first half of this email explaining how things have fallen into place for my husband and about our great business opportunities, but here I am trying to control the outcome of my next adventure by being consumed with refreshing the screen on my mailbox.

Maybe that’s you. Maybe you are consumed by the swipe of refreshing your mailbox for a similar situation. Or maybe you have a different swipe. Maybe your swipe is a Tinder account trying to find your Boaz. Maybe your swipe is social media while you compare yourself to the filtered life of someone else.

Whatever your swipe is… let it go. Stop being consumed by the swipe and trust the process. All things will work together for your good. That’s your promise.

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